Dr. Hyun-Woo Jo
Developer in charge
Hyun-Woo Jo earned his B.S. degree in environmental science and ecological engineering from Korea University, Republic of Korea. He pursued his M.S./Ph.D. integrated degree in environmental planning and landscape architecture at the same institution.
His research focuses on the application of remote sensing and deep learning techniques in the fields of agriculture and forestry. Specifically, he combines domain-specific knowledge with machine-learnable architectures. This research interest has led him to participate in EU-Horizon2020 projects such as the Horizon2020 EOPEN and Horizon2020 CALLISTO.
In the EOPEN project, he developed a neural network model for paddy rice detection, with algorithms that can be operated on the cloud-based platform of EOPEN. This algorithm was further enhanced through the CALLISTO project, enabling early prediction before the harvest season. During his doctoral dissertation, he integrated IIASA's forest fire model FLAM with neural networks by adapting the process-based algorithm of FLAM into a machine-learnable framework.
Currently, he holds postdoctoral fellowships at IIASA in Austria and OJERI at Korea University.
*OJERI: OJEong Resilience Insitute
*IIASA: International Institute for Applied System Analysis
Supported by
Prof. Woo-Kyun Lee
Academic Supervisor
Woo-Kyun Lee received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree in forestry from Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1987 and 1989, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Agriculture from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, in 1993.
He is the professor of Department of Environment Science and Ecological Engineering, director of Environmental GIS/RS Centre from Korea University. In academic area, he is working as a president of Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS) and Korean National Committee for International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA). Internationally, he has served as director of SDSN Korea, Mid-Latitude Region Network (MLRN), scientific steering committee of GCP-Korea Office.
His research has been focused on the region of Mid-Latitude Ecotone including Korean peninsula, North-Eastern Asia, and Central Asian Countries where water and food problems are getting serious with extreme climate condition. Nowadays, his researches are focusing on development of indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and climate change considering environmental and socio-economic conditions in MLR. And he has tried to suggest how to enhance adaptive capacity or resilience through environmental infrastructure and socio-economic policies for adapting climate change, reducing disaster risk, and achieving SDGs.
Environmental GIS/RS lab.,
Korea University
Academic Community
Environmental GIS/RS lab., Korea University is dedicated to research with passion, conducting meaningful researches to contribute to the global society.
Objectives of eGIS/RS lab. are as follows:
To correspond to GIS/RS education and research demands effectively
To encourage GIS/RS education and researches
To take the lead in the GIS/RS education and researches at Korea University by maintaining close connections with other academics, governments, and industries.